Bugfix in reset_variables (base/utils.c)

Ethan Galstad nagios at nagios.org
Wed Feb 2 18:59:55 CET 2005

Thanks - patch will be in CVS later today.

On 30 Jan 2005 at 23:10, Dirk Porezag wrote:

> While trying to get nagios 2.0 (CVS current) working on
> Solaris-sparc-2.8, I noticed that the children which are forked to do
> the actual checks die in putenv() called by set_macro_environment_var.
> This error results from an incorrect array initialization in
> reset_variables which happens much earlier. Classical C array loop
> index bug. Enclosed the fix:
> *** base/utils.c        Sun Jan 30 22:40:05 2005
> --- base/utils.c.orig   Sun Jan 30 22:37:53 2005
> ***************
> *** 5245,5251 ****
>         date_format=DATE_FORMAT_US;
> !       for(x=0;x<MACRO_X_COUNT;x++)
>                 macro_x[x]=NULL;
>         for(x=0;x<MAX_COMMAND_ARGUMENTS;x++)
> --- 5245,5251 ----
>         date_format=DATE_FORMAT_US;
> !       for(x=0;x<=MACRO_X_COUNT;x++)
>                 macro_x[x]=NULL;
>         for(x=0;x<MAX_COMMAND_ARGUMENTS;x++) 
> Hope this helps,
> Dirk
> Mit freundlichen Grüßen - Kind regards 
> -------------------------------------------------------------------
> matrix technology AG Dr. Dirk Porezag Senior Consultant - Manager
> Shared Service Center Landsberger Str. 400-402, D-81241 München Tel: 
> +49 - (0)89 - 589395-0 Fax: +49 - (0)89 - 589395-11 Web:   
> www.matrix.ag E-mail:  Dirk.Porezag at matrix.ag
> -------------------------------------------------------------------
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Ethan Galstad,
Nagios Developer
Email: nagios at nagios.org
Website: http://www.nagios.org

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