Nagios status sounds only when max_check_attempts reached.

Saner, Markus Markus.Saner at
Mon Jun 16 17:44:26 CEST 2003

Hi all,
status sounds are very usefull when working near a Nagios browser
In our configuration most mails, pager and sms messages are sent only
during non working hours. The rest of the time we use the sound of
Nagios as indicator for failures, because there is allways someone or
another near the console, where a Nagios browser session is running as
We experienced that Nagios will play sound at the first time it
recognises a warning or critical stage. This can be very annoying when
for example a ping reply reaches warning or critical level for a short
time and then fall back to normal again. If this happens to often,
operators lose interest in looking at Nagios.
Increasing warning or critical level is not a real option, because i
want to recognise these levels but only when they occure for a defined
time, (max_check_attepts).
We would wish to implement playing sounds only, when max_check_attepts
is reached, as for sending pager, sms or emails.    
I implemented this option in tac.c some weeks ago, and everybody is
happy since then.
Attached you will find my modifications to tac.c, (marked with SAN).
This was only a quick hack and could may be done differently. Of course
the same modifications must be done in status.c.
Any other ideas ?
Thanks and regards,

Markus Saner


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