Possibility to avoid certain values which are way too deviant while calculating threshold

Anders Håål anders.haal at ingby.com
Wed Dec 17 20:25:48 CET 2014

Hi Rahul,
Its possible, but the question is what algorithm to use. The second 
question would also be what would you do with the remaining set, 
calculate a mean?
When it comes to exclude a deviant value it sound close to what is 
called a outlier, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Outlier. There are a 
number of mathematical solutions to this problem, but not sure which 
would be applicable or correct. Check this link for a discussions on the 
topic where one approach is using standard deviation, but from the 
discussion it does not sound like a statistical correct approach.

If you or anyone else on this list find an good approach, I more then 
happy to try it. In Bischeck its possible to plug in your own functions 
as described in 
so you can easily do your own testing. Using the cache browser cli 
you can easily test your function.


On 12/17/2014 03:40 PM, Rahul Amaram wrote:
> Hi,
> I had a quick question. Let us say we calculate the threshold based on 
> the values of the past six days, one value per day. Now let us say, 
> out of 6 values, one of these values is way too deviant. Then is it 
> possible to exclude this deviant value from calculating the threshold?
> Thanks,
> Rahul.




bischeck - dynamic and adaptive thresholds for Nagios <http://www.bischeck.org>

anders.haal at ingby.com<mailto:anders.haal at ingby.com>

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